I startet making films on my ipod touch at the age of ten. The urge to express myself through audiovisuals hasn’t left me since.
It’s important to me in my films that the form follows the content and that the content aspires to be touching, urgent and as simple as possible. Recently I found a film called ‘Raise the red lantern’ and I’ve been thinking about it every day since (it’s on Youtube incase you are curious now). I love working secretly, with low expectations and maximum freedom, keeping my crew as small as possible. Everyone is involved, everyone contributes their best to the core of the story. I go into the shoot thoroughly prepared but always leave room for spontaneous observations, ideas and improvisation. What I love most is filming with actors in a ‘real world’ location, allowing fiction and documentary to merge.

Recently, I also discovered my love for framing moments as a set photographer for example on projects with İlker Çatak, Judith Kaufmann, Oliver Haffner and Edgar Reitz. I try to capture the core of the story in expressive stills for each individual film and visually explore the film set like a street photographer might have roamed Manhattan in the 1960s…
Meet me:
2025, February 1st-9th Clermont-Ferrand International Filmfestival
2025, February 16th-19th Berlinale
2025, March Athena Festival New York City
2025, March Music & Cinema Marseille
Ella Knorz, mail@ellaknorz.com
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